As a manufacturer and distributor of high-quality tanning beds it’s crucial to retain your aftermarket. Light Sources and LightTech’s strategic partnership now offer their global OEM tanning customers a sustainable and beneficial concept, which we have successfully marketed to our UV germicidal lamp clients. And we’ve done this for over 27 years with tremendous success. The customized and proprietary solutions are one of the many reasons why clients have described us as an organization, “where customer commitment is second to none”.
What we do is simple: We support tanning equipment manufacturers like you, to build, nurture and protect their aftermarket business. No, it has nothing to do with magic – we are a manufacturer just like you. However, by working with us, you not only can offer a branded line of high-performance tanning lamps in any lengths, in any proprietary phosphor blend or manufactured with our proprietary SolGlass ®
. You can also benefit from a complete lamp range with patented bases and sockets specifically designed for your quality units and your individual exclusive use.
So, what’s the point of manufacturing customized and proprietary tanning lamp tubes? It goes back to offering your customers something no one else and that will lead to more business for you.
Today, every manufacturer looks for proprietary uniqueness that will give them an edge in the market. In terms of tanning units, that differentiator can be the form factor of the unit, or the onboard features designed into the unit. Is our modus operandi consistent with your business philosophy? Then check out our guaranteed benefits or simply consider it as “the recipe of survival” in an ever growing competitive industry.
Add value to the components and parts of your systems:
- Have components that match your corporate identity guidelines
- Choose any base/socket colors that will set your systems apart from competitors (all standard pantone colors available; premium colors upon request)
- Maintain and assure the performance of your tanning equipment
- Enjoy greater flexibility in your system designs
Convinced? Contact us today
. We can design and provide rapid prototyping with bases/sockets within one week or less (3D model files .stp). Prototypes can be crucial in your preliminary system designs. They are particularly valuable as first phase physical samples for determining dimensional compatibility between our lamps and your system.
How Long is a Base/Socket Design & Patenting Process?
It’s not as long as you would expect! We are not only very experienced with unique base designs, but also with the procedures of Patent & Trademark Offices. Your individual proprietary project can be nailed down within a couple of months. Click here for a sample project plan
(may vary on a project-by-project basis).
(A) “Contraindication: This product is contraindicated for use on persons under the age of 18 years.”
(B) “Contraindication: This product must not be used if skin lesions or open wounds are present.”
(C) “Warning: This product should not be used on individuals who have had skin cancer or have a family history of skin cancer.”
(D) “Warning: Persons repeatedly exposed to UV radiation should be regularly evaluated for skin cancer.”
Proprietary Bases
As a manufacturer and distributor of high-quality tanning beds it’s crucial to retain your aftermarket. Light Sources and LightTech’s strategic partnership now offer their global OEM tanning customers a sustainable and beneficial concept, which we have successfully marketed to our UV germicidal lamp clients. And we’ve done this for over 27 years with tremendous success. The customized and proprietary solutions are one of the many reasons why clients have described us as an organization, “where customer commitment is second to none”.
So, what’s the point of manufacturing customized and proprietary tanning lamp tubes? It goes back to offering your customers something no one else and that will lead to more business for you.
Today, every manufacturer looks for proprietary uniqueness that will give them an edge in the market. In terms of tanning units, that differentiator can be the form factor of the unit, or the onboard features designed into the unit. Is our modus operandi consistent with your business philosophy? Then check out our guaranteed benefits or simply consider it as “the recipe of survival” in an ever growing competitive industry.
Add value to the components and parts of your systems:
This illustration shows a pre-existing proprietary base for a tanning fluorescent lamp. This basic cap fits in all T12 standard bi pin sunbeds, and is used in all standard lamp lengths. Proprietary bases can be made especially for your requirements with unique sockets, while they can also be constructed to fit in standard bi pin sockets. What is the advantage? Your lamps can be sold into other beds, and yet no other lamps will fit into your units.
Convinced? Contact us today . We can design and provide rapid prototyping with bases/sockets within one week or less (3D model files .stp). Prototypes can be crucial in your preliminary system designs. They are particularly valuable as first phase physical samples for determining dimensional compatibility between our lamps and your system.
How Long is a Base/Socket Design & Patenting Process?
It’s not as long as you would expect! We are not only very experienced with unique base designs, but also with the procedures of Patent & Trademark Offices. Your individual proprietary project can be nailed down within a couple of months. Click here for a sample project plan (may vary on a project-by-project basis).
(A) “Contraindication: This product is contraindicated for use on persons under the age of 18 years.”
(B) “Contraindication: This product must not be used if skin lesions or open wounds are present.”
(C) “Warning: This product should not be used on individuals who have had skin cancer or have a family history of skin cancer.”
(D) “Warning: Persons repeatedly exposed to UV radiation should be regularly evaluated for skin cancer.”
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