If you have any questions or would like to connect with a representative, please complete and submit the form, use the following contact information, or visit our companies on Facebook and LinkedIn .

USA/North America
Voltarc, Masonlite & Kulka
37 Robinson Blvd.
Orange, CT 06477 / USA
phone: +1 203-799-7877
phone: +1 800-826-9465
fax: +1 888-899-6085
fax 2:  +1 203-795-5267
email:  info@voltarc.com
Neon Technical Support
Contact 1
USA/North America
Pierre Deschamps
551 25th Avenue
St. Eustache, Quebec J7R 4K3
phone: +800-795-6366
fax: +1 450-623-6435
email: pierre.deschamps@voltarc.com
Independent Sales Representatives
West Coast & Texas

Ivan Newman

3232 Selby Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034
phone: +1 310-839-7645
fax: +1 877-874-5416
email:  newman.ivan@gmail.com