Custom & Proprietary Lamp DesignsWe are dedicated to provide unique lamps to meet our clients’ performance and design objectives. As a specialty lamp manufacturer, Light Sources and LightTech can design lamps that will fit in your existing or light therapy equipment. We are also motivated to work with you during your design phase to develop the most efficient and effective  fluorescent lamp solution.

Retain Your Aftermarket With Our OEM Red Light Technology
As a manufacturer and distributor of cosmetic units or dermatological equipment it’s crucial to retain your aftermarket. Light Sources and strategic partners offer its global OEM customers a sustainable and beneficial concept, which we have successfully marketed to our UV germicidal lamp clients – we’ve developed these customized and proprietary lamp solutions for over 27 years with tremendous success.

What we do is simple: We support equipment manufacturers like you to build, nurture and protect their aftermarket business. By working with us, you not only can offer a branded line of high-performance fluorescent lamps in any lengths or any shape. You can also benefit from a complete lamp range with patented bases and sockets specifically designed for your quality units and your individual exclusive use.

Gain an Edge in the MarketToday, every manufacturer looks for proprietary unique edge in the market. In terms of your own cosmetic systems or dermatological units, that differentiation can be in the form features designed into the unit.

Guaranteed Benefits At A Glance:

  • Set a hallmark of quality and build customer loyalty
  • Provide your target market with long-term price guarantees
  • Benefit from a new revenue stream
  • Maintain your relamping business
  • Distinguish your red light therapy equipment with exclusive and custom base configurations
  • Add value to the components and parts of your system:
    • Have components that match your corporate identity guidelines
    • Choose any base/socket colors that will set your systems apart from competitors (all standard pantone colors available; premium colors upon request)
    • Maintain and assure the performance of your unit
    • Enjoy greater flexibility in your system designs

Convinced? Contact us today and tell us about your cosmetic light therapy equipment and usage ideas. We are able to design and provide rapid prototyping with bases/sockets within one week or less.

Light Sources and LightTech is sure to provide you with an excellent solution for your future success in the cosmetic industry. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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